Having a great business idea is not enough
Author : Writer at Chatur Idea
Posted : 8 years ago
Having a great business idea is not enough
02Nov, 2016

“It’s a brilliant idea, let’s implement it and earn big profits”; well, you may hear from the team members every time you throw a new business idea. However, you also know that they are saying it just to make you feel good about it. It is not enough to have a brilliant business idea.  It is more important to convert it into a flourishing business. According to the statistics, the majority of business ideas get dormant because people don’t have either resources or willingness to convert it into an actionable item. Even if people take action, it goes in vein because the efforts are scattered and discrete.

Remember, it is not always easy to convert the business idea into reality. If it were easy, then everyone would do it. Here are some quick tips for converting a brilliant idea into equally dazzling reality.

Keep patience

However brilliant the idea is, you need some time to get the understanding of how to convert it into a business reality. It is a lengthy process where you need to spend time with your think tank. Don’t get impatient about the slow pace. It is like carving a statue from a piece of marble. The anxiety of deliverable results in inappropriate decisions.

Believe in the idea

If the brilliant idea is yours, then keep full confidence in it.  You won’t be able to convince others if you are not convinced about it. Do not doubt the idea just because you fear to take the accountability of the failure. Go with it in such a manner that the idea turns out to be a massive hot.  Make others to believe in your idea.

Don’t be afraid of risks

Without risk ,there is no gain. Hence, do not get afraid of them. Rather, derive the ways of mitigating the risk.  Always keep the ambitions and dreams on track. When things don’t go in a planned way, you should always have Plan B ready.  Be prepared to deal with unexpected issues. Else, the failures will get you down.

You should know how to sell your vision?

Selling the vision isn’t an easy thing. You need tremendous efforts for it.   You should be ready with the value propositions and revenue estimation. These are the motivating factors. Create an engagement in the organization so that yu get the expected buy-in for the idea.

These important steps help you in converting a brilliant idea into business reality.