Are you an entrepreneur or wantrepreneur?
Author : Writer at Chatur Idea
Posted : 8 years ago
entrepreneurs in mumbai
05Oct, 2016

More of a trend nowadays. People don't want to work for big companies and spend a part of their lives climbing the corporate ladder. Well, good enough.

But what's your whole idea, whole vision about being an entrepreneur? Is it making money and building your image or believing in adage passion and building your business? Here there lies a difference whether you are en entrepreneur or just another wantrapreneur.

Entrepreneurs focus on their team, building their entire business on the vision they foresee is better for the society, making money and earning profits is just a reward for real entrepreneurs for their passion and sweat they have put in.

If you are complaining about the changes, like a common psychology of human beings you resist changes and just keep procrastinating and still calling yourself an entrepreneur... Sorry you aren't one.

Entrepreneurs are people with innovation, people who wake up everyday to take up challenge and keep courage to touch the sky. They do not wait for additional resources or capital to be served on their plate, rather hunt for it with patience. They set the trend in market unlike wantrapreneurs who go for a formula which is proven successful. They know marketing is not a fixed formula but an Experimental field and you might fail at times. But if you get up after a fall, you are an entrepreneur.

If you can justify spending lacs or crores of rupees on building a product and then quitting midway saying that 'I am just a sales person.' Or 'these are all marketing tactics, I am unaware of.' You are just a wantrapreneur.

In short wantrapreneurs do all sort of business crap, instead of being useful.

So, the next question is if you lie in the category of wantrapreneur... How you can be an ENTREPRENEUR? Well, just kill the want. I will put it this way want (wantrapreneur) is seeing yourself as a rich guy whereas ent (entrepreneur) means seeing your enterprise grow as a whole.